[Math] Simple proof for property R conjecture


Gabai's property R theorem is:

If the 0-surgery manifold of a knot $K$ is homeomorphic to $S^1\times S^2$, then $K$ is the unknot.

Recently, 3-manifold topology has been developed rapidly by Agol, Wise and many other mathematicians.

Is there an another simple proof for property R conjecture?

Best Answer

Property R was reproved by Gordon and Luecke in the course of solving the knot complement problem - see Corollary 3.2. They prove the stronger result (as did Gabai) that zero-frame surgery on a knot is irreducible (hence cannot be $S^1\times S^2$).

Gabai actually proved something slightly stronger, which might account for the increased difficulty of the proof, namely that there is a taut finite-depth foliation which intersects the boundary of the knot complement transversely in a foliation of the boundary torus by longitudes. Capping off this foliation with a foliation by disks in the solid torus gives a taut foliation of the zero-framed surgery, hence irreducibility.

Gordon and Luecke use many of the techniques of Gabai (thin position, Scharlemann cycles and generalizations), but omit the foliations and sutured manifold hierarchies. A technical simplification to the argument was subsequently made by Walter Parry.

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