[Math] Should Krull dimension be a cardinal


A totally ordered finite set $\quad \mathcal P_0 \varsubsetneq \mathcal P_1\varsubsetneq \dots \mathcal \varsubsetneq \mathcal P_n \quad$ of prime ideals of a ring $A$ is said to be a chain of length $n$.
As is well known, the supremum of the lengths of such chains is called the Krull dimension $\dim(A)$ of the ring $A$.

If the lengths of these chains are not bounded, the ring is said to be infinite dimensional: $\dim(A)=\infty$.This can happen, surprisingly, even for a Noetherian ring $A$.

But in the infinite dimensional case we could consider arbitrary totally ordered subsets $\Pi \subset Spec(A)$ of prime ideals, their cardinality $card(\Pi)$ and then take the sup of all those cardinals. Let us call this sup the cardinal Krull dimension of the ring $A$.

An equality $\dim(A)=\aleph$ would then be a more quantitative measure of the infinite dimensionality of $A$ than just $\dim(A)=\infty$

My question is whether results are known related to that cardinal Krull dimension. For example: for X a topological space, has the cardinal Krull dimension of
$\mathcal C(X)$ (the ring of continuous functions on $X$) been calculated? I don't find this trivial, even for $X=\mathbb R$. There are obvious variants of this question concerning rings of differentiable functions on manifolds, etc.
Thanks in advance for any information on this topic.

Best Answer

The Krull dimension, as defined by Gabriel and Rentschler, of not-necessarily commutative rings is an ordinal. See, for example, [John C. McConnell, James Christopher Robson, Lance W. Small, Noncommutative Noetherian rings].

More generally, they define the deviation of a poset $A$ as follows. If $A$ does not have comparable elements, $\mathrm{dev}\;A=-\infty$; if $A$ is has comparable elements but satisfies the d.c.c., then $\mathrm{dev}\;A=0$. In general, if $\alpha$ is an ordinal, we say that $\mathrm{dev}\;A=\alpha$ if (i) the deviation of $A$ is not an ordinal strictly less that $\alpha$, and (ii) in any descending sequence of elements in $A$ all but finitely many factors (ie, the intervals of $A$ determined by the successive elements in the sequence) have deviation less that $\alpha$.

Then the Gabriel-Rentschler left Krull dimension $\mathcal K(R)$ of a ring $R$ is the deviation of the poset of left ideals of $R$. A poset does not necessarily have a deviation, but if $R$ is left nötherian, then $\mathcal K(R)$ is defined.

A few examples: if a ring is nötherian commutative (or more generally satisfies a polynomial identity), then its G-R Krull dimension coincides with the combinatorial dimension of its prime spectrum, so in this definition extends classical one when these dimensions are finite. A non commutative example is the Weyl algebra $A_{n}(k)$: if $k$ has characteristic zero, then $\mathcal K(A_n(k))=n$, and if $k$ has positive characteristic, $\mathcal K(A_n(k))=2n$. The book by McConnel and Robson has lots of information and references.

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