[Math] Short papers for undergraduate course on reading scholarly math


(I know this is perhaps only tangentially related to mathematics research, but I'm hoping it is worthy of consideration as a community wiki question.)

Today, I was reminded of the existence of this paper: Terminating Decimals in the Cantor Set.

It is a concise paper (3.5 pages) that employs nothing too sophisticated, just some modular arithmetic and careful casing. I thought it would be a wonderful to spend a few class meetings with undergraduate math majors reading this paper for understanding. We could practice reading the dense writing and filling in the induction proofs that are "left for the reader". It would also be an occasion to remind the students of concepts learned in important courses in their major (e.g. modular arithmetic in an algebra course, or the topology of the real number line in an analysis course). And by the end of it, I hope the students would gain some satisfaction from realizing that they read and understood the entirety of a scholarly article in mathematics.

I am looking for other papers that could fill this role. Ideally, I think it would be great to construct a semester-long course based on reading, say, 5-10 papers like this and spending a week or two on each one. Each paper should:

  1. be relatively short, say less than 6 pages (but obviously the density of writing plays a big factor). Ideally, we should be able to digest it the whole thing within a couple of weeks of careful reading.
  2. be interesting and not too esoteric or specific. For instance, the result in the Cantor Set example above is surprising and interesting, and although I may have to remind students of what the Cantor Set is, I won't need to presume deep background knowledge in a specific topic. Or, Niven's proof that pi is irrational would be a good example. However, many of the "Proofs without words" in MAA journals, while perhaps fun, would not really give students practice with reading scholarly writing and the results may be too specific to inspire their interest.
  3. tie together, or remind students of, some knowledge from core courses in the undergraduate curriculum, like algebra, analysis, calculus, combinatorics, or probability.
  4. be published in a book or journal. (The Cantor Set example above was a footnote in the book Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science, according to this reddit post.)

Meta comment: The only similar question I could find on this site is MO.88946 ("Readings for an honors liberal art math course"), but it focuses on books for a popular audience and not scholarly mathematics per se. Also, MathEducators tends to avoid "community wiki"-style questions, so I decided to post here.)

Best Answer

I think this is a delightful paper:

Hull, Thomas C. "Solving cubics with creases: The work of Beloch and Lill." The American Mathematical Monthly 118, no. 4 (2011): 307-315. (PDF download.)

It features a female mathematician, origami, the classic problems of trisecting an angle and doubling the cube, and a "forgotten" method for finding roots of polynomials realized via "turtle geometry."

Abstract. Margharita P. Beloch was the first person, in 1936, to realize that origami (paper-folding) constructions can solve general cubic equations and thus are more powerful than straightedge and compass constructions. We present her proof. In doing this we use a delightful (and mostly forgotten?) geometric method due to Eduard Lill for finding the real roots of polynomial equations.
