[Math] Sheaf cohomology question


For a topological space $X$ and a sheaf of abelian groups $F$ on it, sheaf cohomology $H^n(X,F)$ is

Singular cohomology of $X$ can be expressed as sheaf cohomology if $X$ is locally contractible and $F$ is the sheaf of locally constant functions.

I have two related questions.

For an algebraic scheme $X$, one uses the sheaf cohomology with the structure sheaf $F=\mathcal{O}_X$. What happens if $X$ is a topological manifold and $F$ is the sheaf of continuous functions to the real numbers? Or differentiable manifolds? Does this cohomology have a special name under which I can search for literature?

Doesn't one get many interesting cohomology theories besides singular cohomology for a topological space $X$ from sheaf cohomology? I mean for a classical topological space, not a scheme, which is Hausdorff and so forth. Is there a list or an overview in the literature? Thank you.

I like to restate the second question. Does any reasonable cohomology theory of topological spaces come from sheaf cohomology?

Best Answer

For the first question: The higher cohomology of a paracompact Hausdorff space (e.g. manifold) in the sheaf of continuous real valued functions is zero, because the sheaf is fine.

If I understand the spirit of your second question correctly, then you can use locally constant sheaves or more generally constructible sheaves to get interesting "topological" cohomologies.

A quick follow up: (1) The argument in the first paragraph also applies to sheaves of modules over the ring of continuous functions. (2) I don't know if every generalized cohomology theory (in the sense of algebraic topology) can or should be regarded as sheaf cohomology, but I leave to an expert to give a precise answer. On the flip side, I should point out that sheaf cohomology with arbitrary coefficients is generally not homotopy invariant, so it really is a different sort of beast.