[Math] Set theory for category theory beginners


I am wondering how much set theory is needed to read the basics of category theory, and what (preferrably short) book would be recommended.

Usually I would just use naive set theory without worrying whether something is really a set, so it bugs me quite a lot that we have small/locally small/large category where we need to specify certain things to be a set. I have never worked with axiomatic set theory before, and I don't think I am interested in going into the foundation deeply: I just want to know enough about/be comfortable with classes etc to read category theory or homological algebra.

I wiki-ed a bit and there seems to be different axioms for set theory. As classes are involved, I guess I should be looking at NBG or MK axioms.

So can anyone briefly tell me how much knowledge in set theory would suffice, or whether there are short notes/books that would serve this purpose. Thanks!

Best Answer

In contrast to what some of the other answers seem to be saying, I believe that size issues play a very important role in category theory. Consider, for instance, the notion of complete category, i.e. a category having all small limits. Most "naturally-ocurring" categories, such as sets, groups, categories, etc. are complete (and cocomplete), and the ability to construct small limits and colimits is extremely important. However, these are all large categories, and a classic proof due to Freyd shows that in fact any small complete category must be a preorder (i.e. any two parallel arrows are equal). Thus, one of the most basic notions of category theory (completeness) becomes trivial if you aren't careful with size distinctions.

I also feel that more mathematicians should pay attention to set-theoretic issues, especially in category theory, and I wrote an unfortunately lengthy note myself on the subject, akin to Murfet's and Easwaran's pages linked to in Greg's answer.

However, for purposes of learning category theory, I don't think one should pay too much attention to any of this stuff. I think all you need to know, beyond naive set theory, is that some collections are "too big to be sets" (like the collection of all sets) but we can still manipulate them more or less as if they were sets, and we call them "classes." NBG and MK formalize this nicely with the "Limitation of Size" axiom: a class is a set if and only if it is not bijective with (i.e. "is not as big as") the class of all sets.