[Math] Semi-simple matrices over fields of finite characteristic


Well-known and useful facts are:

  • any symmetric matrix over $\mathbb R$ is semi-simple (i.e. diagonalizable), and
  • any hermitean matrix over $\mathbb C$ is semi-simple.

I will loosely speak about the shape of a matrix and mean the existence of some (linear) relations between matrix-entries (or functions of the matrix-entries).

Question: Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p$. Is there any result whatsoever, which says that a rich class of matrices of a given shape consists only of semi-simple matrices.

Since I am more interested in positive results, the notion of shape is kept flexible. However, if it could be proved that semi-simplicity is not implied by any shape in some reasonable class of shapes, this would be interesting as well.

Best Answer

This is only a hint, not an answer.

There is a simple characterization of semisimple matrices over finite fields. Namely, if $A\in M_n(F_q)$, its eigenvalues lie in $F_{q^m}$, $m=lcm(2,\dots,n)$, and there is $P\in GL_n(F_{q^m})$ such that $P^{-1}AP$ is a diagonal of Jordan blocks $\lambda_i I + N_i$, $i=1,\dots,s$. But it is easy to see that $(\lambda_i I+N_i)^{q^m}=\lambda_i I$ (note that $q^m \gt n$), so that $A$ is semisimple if and only if $A^{q^m}=A$.

Now you might want to start to study the possibilities for vector spaces $V\subset M_n(F_q)$ (or other subvarieties) such that $A^{q^m}=A$ for all $A\in V$.