[Math] Rooks in three dimensions


Given is an infinite 3-dim chess board and a black king. What is the minimum number of white rooks necessary that can guarantee a checkmate in a finite number of moves?

(In 3-dimensional chess rooks move in straight lines, entering each cube through a face and departing through the opposite face. Kings can move to any cube which shares a face, edge, or corner with the cube that the king starts in.
See Wikipedia).

Update: Comments (below the line) give interesting information on this problem including a connection to Conway's angel problem with 2-angel (Zare) and interesting comments towards positive answer and connection with "kinggo" (Elkies). Also a link to an identical SE question is provided MSE Question 155777 (Snyder).

Best Answer

As far as I know, it is still open whether or not there is any finite number of rooks which can force checkmate. However, this is possible. I answered the question over at math.stackexchange describing a strategy which forces checkmate with 96 rooks. This is certainly not optimal. The strategy I describe is very wasteful, keeping some rooks in place even when they are not actually needed, so it can be improved at the expense of becoming more difficult to describe.