[Math] Rigorous version of heuristic argument for genus-degree formula


A recent MO question about non-rigorous reasoning reminded me of something I've wondered about for some time.
The genus–degree formula says that genus $g$ of a nonsingular projective plane curve of degree $d$ is given by the formula $g=(d−1)(d−2)/2$. Here is a heuristic argument for the formula that someone once told me. Take $d$ lines in general position in the plane; collectively these form a (singular) degree-$d$ curve. There are $d\choose 2$ points of intersection. Now think in terms of complex numbers and visualize each line as a Riemannian sphere. If you start with $d$ disjoint spheres and then bring them together so that every one touches every other one (deforming when necessary) then you expect the genus of the resulting surface to be ${d\choose 2}−(d−1)=(d−1)(d−2)/2$, because after you connect them together in a line with $d−1$ connections, each subsequent connection increases the genus by one.

Is there any rigorous proof of the genus–degree formula that closely follows the above line of argumentation?

A standard proof of the genus–degree formula proceeds by way of the adjunction formula. This doesn't seem to me to answer my question, but perhaps I just don't understand the adjunction formula properly?

Best Answer

Yes, this argument can be made rigorous. One needs three steps.

Step 1. Show that there is at least one smooth plane curve of degree $d$ with the expected genus. Essentially, the proof is given by your heuristic topological argument (deform the union of $d$ lines in general position).

Step 2. Show that if one slightly perturbs the coefficients of a homogeneous polynomial defining a smooth curve, the genus remain unchanged. This is basically a continuity argument.

Step 3. Show that the space $\mathbb{C}^{\rm nonsing}[x,\,y,\,z]_d$ of homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$ in three variables defining smooth curves is path-connected. This is because the complement of $\mathbb{C}^{\rm nonsing}[x,\,y,\,z]_d$ in $\mathbb{C}[x,\,y,\,z]_d$ (the so-called "discriminant locus") has real codimension $2$.

Putting these three steps together one easily obtains the desired result. For further details you can look at Chapter 4 of Kirvan's book Plane algebraic curves.

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