[Math] Reviews of Probability in High Dimension not by Van Handel

information-geometryit.information-theorypr.probabilityrandom matrices

I'm completely in love with Ramon van Handel's lecture notes Probability in High Dimension and I would like to find more learning resources. Lecture notes or reviews would be ideal as anything in this direction that is not random matrix theory is a very new topic for me. I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to find anything. I'm primarily interested in results relating to universality and also the application of information theoretic tools such as $f$-divergence etc.

Best Answer

High-Dimensional Probability, An Introduction with Applications in Data Science, by Roman Vershynin (draft version freely available)

The two texts by Van Handel and Vershynin are compared here:

Roughly speaking, van Handel is writing from the probabilist's perspective: he spends time discussing "sharper" results such as log-Sobolev inequalities and hypercontractivity. Vershynin is writing from the statistician's perspective.

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