Serre Fibration – Example of a Serre Fibration Not a Dold Fibration


A Serre fibration has the homotopy lifting property with respect to the maps $[0,1]^n \times \{0\} \to [0,1]^{n+1}$. A Dold fibration $E \to B$ has the weak covering homotopy property: lifts with respect to maps $Y\times \{0\} \to Y \times [0,1]$ such that the lift agrees with the map $Y \to E$ up to a vertical homotopy (see the nLab page for more details. All Hurewicz fibrations are Dold fibrations, but not conversely, and not all Dold fibrations are Serre fibrations. I'm sure I read that not all Serre fibrations are Dold fibrations, but I don't have a counterexample.

My request is thus: an example of a Serre fibration that is not a Dold fibration.

Edit: I have found that a slight variant on this question was asked by Ronnie Brown in Proc. Camb. Phil.Soc. in October 1966, under the caveat that the base is path-connected and the base and the fibre have the homotopy type of a CW complex.

Best Answer

You've already answered your own question, but here is another example.

Let $f: \mathbb{Q}^\delta \to \mathbb{Q}$ be the obvious map from the rational numbers with the discrete topology to the rational numbers with the usual topology. Let $M_f$ be the mapping cylinder. Then the projection $$p:M_f \to [0,1]$$ is a Serre fibration. This follows because any map of a disc into $\mathbb{Q}$ factors through f. Hence as far as discs are concerned, $M_f$ might as well be $\mathbb{Q}^\delta \times [0,1]$.

However this projection is not a Dold fibration. It is easy to construct a diagram using $Y = \mathbb{Q}$ which will have no weak homotopy lift. Indeed consider the projection map $\mathbb{Q} \times [0,1] \to [0,1]$ with the obvious initial lift. Any other initial lift vertically homotopic to this one in fact coincides with this one, hence it is easy to see that there is no weak lift of this map.

By replacing $\mathbb{Q}^\delta$ and $\mathbb{Q}$ with their cones, we get a similar example where now the base, total space, and fibers are contractible. Hence they are path-connected and also have the homotopy type of CW complexes. So this also answers Ronnie Browns question (but surely the answer to that has been known for some time).

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