[Math] Relative dualizing sheaf (reference, behavior)


Let $\mathcal{C}\rightarrow S$ a flat projective family of locally complete intersection projective curves over a integral noetherian scheme (say a spectrum of a local ring). I was wondering whether there was a simple (without derived category) way to construct the "relative dualizing sheaf" $\omega_{\mathcal{C}/S}$; specially whether it was an invertible sheaf and whether its restriction to (geometric) fibers (generic or special)was the usual dualizing sheaf (of locally complete intersection).

Best Answer

See the paper

Kleiman, Steven L. Relative duality for quasicoherent sheaves. Compositio Math. 41 (1980), no. 1, 39–60.

You'll find a detailed non-derived construction and a verification of the main properties of $\omega_{X/S}$.

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