ct.category-theory – Relationship Between Monads, Operads, and Algebraic Theories


I've begun to interest in algebraic theories and their categorical models: in particular monads, generalized multicategories and operads, lawvere theories and their generalization. Is there any reference that treat systematically the relation between such models of theories, where model means a presentation of theory?

Best Answer

All nice recommendations; some more

Lawvere theories and monads

For the connection between monads and Lawvere theories, I've found this a really nice exposition of the $\mathbf{Set}$ case:

Martin Hyland, John Power - The category theoretic understanding of universal algebra: Lawvere theories and monads - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (pdf at M Hyland's website)

and if what you want is something like the ultimate monads <-> Lawvere theories correspondence:

Clemens Berger, Paul-André Melliès, Mark Weber - Monads with arities and their associated theories (arXiv)

Basically all of the (Lawvere and the like) theories <-> (special) monads equivalences can be seen as special cases of their general monad with arities <-> theories with arities equivalence. This paper is a real joy to read, and how all sort of nerve theorems can be viewed as an instance of the equiv between a monad with arities and the corresponding (generalized) algebraic theory is just wonderful!

Also, on the operadic side, their notion of homogeneous theory is related with $T$-operads (with $T$ cartesian and local right adjoint), and yields a nice account of symmetric operads as homogeneous theories with arities the Segal category $\Gamma$.

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