[Math] References for literature from mathematicians who provided critiques and proposals concerning ethical aspects of mathematics research


I would like to know sources, articles, books or other, that provide information on ethical aspects in the research of mathematics, I wondered what is the literature that this community knows about ethical issues and proposals that were proposed in the context of mathematical research.

Question. What is the literature about ethical aspects in the context of the mathematical research? Many thanks.

I'm asking about it as a reference request, thus only is required to add the reference of such remarks, articles or books. From your answer to this reference request I can to contrast with the information that I know.

I think that my question is legitimate. I think that this site MathOverflow should be a safe site to ask good questions, and I think that my Question as reference request can be useful for more users.

Best Answer

Maurice Chiodo is someone I am aware of regularly writing on ethics. Here's one starting point: https://ethics.maths.cam.ac.uk/pub

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