Yang-Mills Theory – References for Classical Theory


I am looking for a reference to study classical (i.e., not quantized) Yang-Mills theory.

Most of the sources I find focus on mathematical aspects of the theory, like Bleecker's book Gauge theory and variational principles, or Baez & Muniain's Gauge fields, knots and gravity.

But I am more interested something similar to the standard development of electromagnetism, as can be found, for example, in Landau & Lifchitz's course on theoretical physics. To be more exact, I would like to learn about the field equations (Yang-Mills and Einstein equations), but also about the corresponding Lorentz Law, the energy of the Yang-Mills field,… and the analogous concepts of what is made for the electromagnetism.

That is, I look for a rigorous exposition where, at the same time, I could learn whether it is possible to prove, at the classical level, the quick decrease of the strong interaction, and things like that.

Best Answer

This is underrepresented in the literature. I have Nakahara and have looked at Frenkel (both listed in other answers) as well as many other "standard" references. The best book reference for classical YM theory that I found was Rubakov's Classical Theory of Gauge Fields.