[Math] Reference request for type theory


I am interested in learning the theory of types, especially in how they can provide a foundation to mathematics different to sets and how they can avoid self-referential paradoxes by stipulating that a collection of objects of type n has type n+1. As for my background knowledge, I only know a little of propositional and predicate logic and Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.

Best Answer

I would suggest you look at Martin-Löf's work, such as the following reprint of his earlier unpublished manuscript (from 1972?):

  • Per Martin-L: An Intuitionistic Theory of Types. In: Twenty-Five Years of Constructive Type Theory Proceedings of a Congress held in Venice, October 1995. Editors: Giovanni Sambin and Jan M. Smith. Oxford University Press, 1998.

I belive a fairly good approximation of this paper is available online. If you are looking for other online references, have a look at this lecture by Martin-Löf.

This should give you some idea for type theory as foundation of mathematics.