[Math] Reference for rigid analytic GAGA


I'm looking for a reference for the following result.

Theorem. Let $K$ be a complete, non-archimedean field, and let $X/K$ be a projective scheme, with analytification $X^\mathrm{an}$. Then the analytification functor from coherent $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules to coherent ${\mathcal{O}}_{X^\mathrm{an}}$-modules is an equivalence of categories.

While I've seen this sort of statement in a lot of introductory notes on rigid analytic geometry (most attributing it to Keihl), none of them seem to give a published reference. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

I am quite surprised by the attribution to Kiehl that you saw. Anyway, I think the result is due to Ursula Köpf (not only over a field $K$ but actually over an affinoid space): "Über eigentliche Familien algebraischer Varietäten über affinoiden Räumen", Schriftenreihe Univ. Münster, 2 Serie, Heft 7 (1974).

Brian Conrad gave another proof as an application of his results of relative ampleness in the rigid analytic setting (see "Relative ampleness in rigid geometry", Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 56 (2006), n° 4).

I also learned a proof from Antoine Ducros in the setting of Berkovich spaces. I wrote in down in an appendix to my paper "Raccord sur les espaces de Berkovich", Algebra & Number Theory 4 (2010), n° 3). It is very close to Serre's proof in the complex analytic setting and probably very close to Köpf's proof too, but I cannot say for sure since I never saw her paper.

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