[Math] Reference for Mathematical Economics


I'm looking for a good introduction to basic economics from a mathematically solid(or, even better, rigorous) perspective. I know just about nothing about economics, but I've picked up bits and pieces in the course of teaching Calculus for business and social sciences, and I'd like to know more, both for my personal culture and to incorporate into my courses. My Platonic ideal of such a book would be along the lines of T W Körner's Naive Decision Making, but I'll take what I can get.

Best Answer

My real advice is to start with something less mathematical and more intuitive so that you understand the motivations for the more mathematical approaches.

That having been said, if you're looking for a mathematically rigorous approach to ideas of central importance in economic theory, I'd start with Debreu's Theory of Value. Mas-Colell (suggested in another answer) is a massive textbook that touches on a gazillion different topics; Debreu reads like a math paper. It's dated, but only in the same sense that, say, Serre's FAC is dated. It's a seminal work, it's the inspiration for a lot of what's come since, and you can still learn a lot from it.