[Math] Real Lie groups versus real linear algebraic groups: differences in connexity and fundamental group


There are many introductory texts on real Lie groups, and many on linear algebraic groups in general, but fewer on the specific case of linear algebraic groups over the reals, and even fewer that try to adequately explain the exact relationship between real linear algebraic groups and real Lie groups. Worse, it's easy to get very confused because words like "connected" and "simply connected" mean different things for algebraic varieties or for the set of real points of such an algebraic variety. Even the notation is confusing (what is meant by $\mathit{PSL}_n$, for example, is always fairly mysterious).

My main question is where can I find a book or introductory/survey article that will build the bridge between real linear algebraic groups and real Lie groups and dispel confusion instead of adding to it.

Here's the sort of thing I'd like to see discussed. First, if $G$ is a semisimple linear algebraic group over $\mathbb{R}$ that is connected as an algebraic variety, it need not remain connected when we pass to the differentiable manifold defined by its real points: so $\mathit{SO}_{p,q}$ or $\mathit{PGL}_{2n,\mathbb{R}}$ is connected as an algebraic variety but has two real connected components (the real identity component, $\mathit{SO}^0_{p,q}$ or $\mathit{PSL}_{2n,\mathbb{R}}$, does not come from a real algebraic group). And the same problem occurs with $\pi_1$ as with $\pi_0$: if $G$ is simply connected as an algebraic variety, it need not remain simply connected when we pass to the real points: so $\mathit{SL}_{2n,\mathbb{R}}$ is simply connected as an algebraic variety but has a non-trivial fundamental group as a real manifold. I'm not entirely sure how one can compute the $\pi_0$ and $\pi_1$ of the real manifold of points of a linear algebraic group over $\mathbb{R}$ that is algebraically connected and simply connected (I know one can get some information from the maximal compact subgroup which can itself be related to its complexification, but I'm not sure I didn't miss some fine print and I'd like a clear exposition of this). I'm even more confused as to what happens without semisimplicity.

If no clear reference like I ask exists, is there at least a table somewhere containing the number of connected components and fundamental groups of the real points of the algebraically connected and simply connected simple real algebraic groups?

PS: I should mention that I'm aware of §14 in Borel and Tits's 1965 IHÉS paper "Groupes réductifs", which at least sheds some light on the matter (specifically corollary 14.5: the group of connected components of the real points of an algebraically connected reductive real algebraic group $G$ is a 2-group whose rank is at most the real rank of $G$).

Best Answer

In the book Lie groups and algebraic groups by Onishchik and Vinberg, Theorem 3 in Section 5.2.1 on page 240 says: Let $S$ be a real structure on a simply connected complex semisimple Lie group $G$. Then the real form $G^S$ is algebraic and connected.

This should mean that if $G$ is a simply connected semisimple algebraic $\mathbf{R}$-group, then the group of real points $G(\mathbf{R})$ is connected.

EDIT: In the book Algebraic Groups and Number Theory by Platonov and Rapinchuk, in Section 7.2 we find:

Proposition 7.6 (E. Cartan). Let $G$ be a simply connected simple algebraic group over $\mathbf R$. Then $G(\mathbf R)$ does not have any nontrivial noncentral normal subgroups. In particular, $G(\mathbf R)$ is connected, and if in addition $G$ is $\mathbf R$-isotropic, then $G(\mathbf R)^+=G(\mathbf R)$.

Here $G(\mathbf R)^+$ is the subgroup of $G(\mathbf R)$ generated by the unipotent elements (this subgroup is clearly normal).