Algebraic Geometry – Quotient of Smooth Curve by Finite Group


Let $X$ be a proper smooth connected curve over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $0$, and suppose that $X$ is equipped with a $k$-linear action of a finite group $G$. It makes sense to form the quotient curve $Y := X/G$, and $Y$ is $k$-smooth because it is normal. Is it true that the pullback of differentials gives the identification
$$H^0(Y, \Omega^1_{Y/k}) = H^0(X, \Omega^1_{X/k})^G?$$
If so, how does one prove this?

Best Answer

Yes, the formula holds, even when the action is not free. Here is the principle of a proof for the case of a tame action (which covers the characteristic $0$ case). Denote by $\pi:X\to Y=X/G$ the quotient morphism.

First consider the exact sequence of $G$-sheaves on $X$

$$ 0 \to \pi^* \Omega^1_{Y/k} \to \Omega^1_{X/k} \to \Omega^1_{X/Y} \to 0$$

Twisting by $(\Omega^1_{X/k})^{\vee}$ gives

$$ 0 \to \pi^* \Omega^1_{Y/k} \otimes (\Omega^1_{X/k})^{\vee} \to \mathcal O_X \to \Omega^1_{X/Y} \otimes (\Omega^1_{X/k})^{\vee} \to 0$$

In other words, $\pi^* \Omega^1_{Y/k} \otimes (\Omega^1_{X/k})^{\vee}$ identifies with the ideal sheaf of the ramification locus which is, since the action is tame, $\mathcal O_X (-\sum_{x\in X} (e_x-1) x)$, where $e_x$ is the ramification index at $x$. So we get an isomorphism of $G$-equivariant invertible sheaves

$$ \Omega^1_{X/k} \simeq \pi^* \Omega^1_{Y/k} \otimes \mathcal O_X (\sum_{x\in X} (e_x-1) x)$$

Now consider any $G$-invariant divisor $D$ on $X$. By a local analysis it is easy to convince oneself that

$$\pi_*^G (\mathcal O_X (D) )\simeq \mathcal O_Y(\left[\frac{\pi_* D}{\# G}\right])$$

where $\pi_*^G$ is the functor push-froward and take the invariants, $[\delta]$ is the integral part of the divisor with rational coefficients $\delta = \frac{\pi_* D}{\# G}$, taken coefficient by coefficient.

If $K_X$ (resp. $K_Y$) is the canonical divisor of $X$ (resp. of $Y$) then we have

$$K_X = \pi^* K_Y +\sum_{x\in X} (e_x-1) x $$


$$\left[\frac{\pi_* K_X}{\# G}\right] = K_Y +\sum_{y\in Y} [1-\frac{1}{e_y}]y $$

hence $[\frac{\pi_* K_X}{\# G}]= K_Y$ and finally $\pi_*^G (\Omega_{X/k}^1) \simeq \Omega_{Y/k}^1$. Taking global sections on $Y$ gives finally :

$$H^0(X,\Omega_{X/k}^1)^G= H^0(Y,\Omega_{Y/k}^1)$$

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