[Math] Quantum cohomology of partial flag manifolds


Is there a place in the literature where the quantum differential
equation (or even just quantum cohomology algebra)
of partial flag manifolds $G/P$ is computed for arbitrary semi-simple $G$ and
arbitrary parabolic $P$? I actually think that I know one way
to formulate (and prove) the answer but
I was sure that this was well-known and to my surprise I couldn't find the reference
for the general case (the case when $P$ is a Borel subgroup is well-known and there is
a lot of literature for other parabolics in the case when $G$ is a classical group but again
I couldn't find a treatment of the general case).
For the quantum cohomology algebra many papers mention a result of Peterson (which I think coincides with what I want when one takes the appropriate limit going from quantum $D$-module to quantum cohomology algebra) which describes it, but I was unable to find a published proof of this result. Is it written anywhere?

Best Answer

Edited in light of clarification made by OP in comments to his question:

Yes, the result you want is proved by Lam and Shimozono; it is Theorem 10.16 of their paper arXiv:0705.1386. Their theorem (which is followed by a proof) identifies a localization of $QH^T(G/P)$ with a localization of a quotient of the torus equivariant homology of the affine Grassmannian; specialization gives the earlier non-equivariant unpublished result of Peterson.

The Lam/Shimozono result depends on an earlier calculation (in arXiv:math/0501213) by Mihalcea of the equivariant quantum product of a Schubert class by a divisor class; this rule should already suffice to determine the QDE.

arxiv:1007.1683 by Leung and Li is the state of the art in relations between $QH(G/P)$ and $QH(G/B)$, as far as I am aware. See in particular Theorem 1.4 (which however restricts to the case P/B equal to a flag variety).

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