[Math] Proving the existence of good covers


Usually one proves the existence of good covers in compact manifolds by Riemannian methods: we pick an arbitrary Riemannian metric, prove that geodesically convex neighborhoods exist, that they are closed under finite intersections, and diffeomorphic to balls; this is, for example, the argument that Bott and Tu sketch in their book.

Is there a non-Riemannian approach to this?

While this is not necessary for most things, it is a nice fact that good covers can be found which realize the covering dimension bound.

Is there a differential-topological way to find them?

Best Answer

you don't really need a whole lot of Riemannian geometry to prove this. Embed the manifold into $\mathbb R^n$ by Whitney and look at very small charts around points given by orthogonal projections onto the tangent spaces. the transition maps will be arbitrary close to identity in $C^2$. that means that a small round disk in one chart will remain strictly convex in nearby charts (because if $f(x)=|x|^2$ and $\phi$ is a transition map such that $\phi-Id$ has small first and second derivatives then $f\circ \phi$ is still strictly convex and hence has convex sublevel sets). This is is all you need to conclude that all intersections are contractible. I guess since the above argument doesn't use any Riemannian geometry notions it should qualify as an answer to the second question?

Incidentally, does a good open cover always exist if a manifold is only topological?

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