[Math] Properties of Graphs with an eigenvalue of -1 (adjacency matrix)

graph theorymatrices

I am wondering if there are special classes of graphs that have eigenvalue of -1 for the adjacency matrix. I know that the complete graphs, Kn, have this property, but am wondering if other graphs do as well.

Best Answer

Despite a lot of effort, there's no interesting characterization of graphs with 0 as an eigenvalue. I do not think as much attention has been paid to $-1$, but I'd be surprised if anything useful could be said. The two problems are not unrelated: for example if $G$ is regular then it has $-1$ as an eigenvalue if and only if its complement has zero as an eigenvalue. (If $G$ has $-1$ as an eigenvalue with multiplicity at least two, then its complement has 0 as an eigenvalue by interlacing.

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