[Math] Properly Discontinuous Action


When looking definition, and theorems related to Properly discontinuous action of a group $G$ on a topological space $X$, it is different in different books (Topology and Geometry-Bredon, Complex Functions-Jones, Three Dimensional Geometry and Topology- Thurston). Therefore, it will be clarified, if we write these definitions separately, and see which is stronger or which are equivalent? I will name them as "Type A", "Type B"..)

Let $X$ be a topological space and $G$ be a group acting on $X$.

Definition 1: The action is of "Type A" if the map $G \times X \rightarrow X \times X$, given by $(g,x)\mapsto (x,g.x)$ is proper, i.e. inverse image of any compact set under this map is compact.

Definition 2: The action is of "Type B" if for any compact set $K\subseteq X$, $K\cap g.K=\phi$ for all but finitely many $g\in G$.

Definition 3: The action is of "Type C" if for each $x\in X$ has an open neighbourhood $U$ such that $g.U\cap U=\phi$ for all but finitely many $g\in G$.

Definition 4: The action is of "Type D" if for each $x\in X$, there exist an open neighbourhood $U$ of $x$, such that $g.U\cap U\neq \phi$ for $g\in G$ implies $g.x=x$.

Definition 5: The action is of "Type E" if each $x\in X$ has a neighbourhood $U$ such that the set {$ g\in G \colon g.x\in U $} is finite.

Q.1 Which type of actions imply which other type of action?

Q.2 If $X$ is Hausdorff, then under which type action, the quotient $X/G$ is Hausdorff?

(These are required, when studying action of a group on a compact Riemann surface, its quotient, whether quotient map is branched or unbranched, etc,)

(This question may be not applicable to post for MO; but when reading a paper related to enumeration of equivalent coverings of a space, with given (finite) transformation group, I came across this notion, and when looked into details, the different definitions puzzled.)

Best Answer

Below locally compact spaces are assumed to be Hausdorff. The following is essentially a distillate of results from Bourbaki's Topologie Générale, Chapitres II and III.

Definition. A continuous function $f: X \to Y$ is called proper if $f$ maps closed sets to closed sets and $f^{-1}(K)$ is compact for all compact $K \subset Y$.

Remark. If $X$ is Hausdorff and $Y$ is locally compact then a continuous function $f: X \to Y$ is proper if and only if $f^{-1}(K)$ is compact for all compact $K \subset Y$. Moreover, $X$ must be locally compact.

To see this, cover $Y$ with open and relatively compact sets $U_{\alpha}$. Then $f^{-1}(U_{\alpha})$ is an open covering of $X$ by relatively compact sets, hence $X$ is locally compact. If $F \subset X$ is closed then $f(F)$ is closed. Indeed, if $(y_{n}) \subset f(F)$ is a net converging to $y$, then we may assume that all $y_{n}$ are in a compact neighborhood $K$ of $y$. Pick a pre-image $x_{n}$ of each $y_{n} \in f^{-1}(K)$, which is compact by assumption. If $x_{i} \to x \in f^{-1}(K)$ is a convergent subnet of $(x_{n})$ then $(f(x_{i}))$ is a subnet of $(y_{n})$, hence $f(x) = y$ by continuity and thus $y \in f(F)$.

Remark. In the definition of properness it would suffice to require that $f$ is closed and $f^{-1}(y)$ is compact for all $y \in Y$, but the definition above is good enough for the present purposes.

Definition. Let $G$ be a topological group acting continuously on a topological space $X$. The action is called proper if the map $\rho: G \times X \to X \times X$ given by $(g,x) \mapsto (x,gx)$ is proper.

Proposition. If $G$ acts properly on $X$ then $X/G$ is Hausdorff. In particular, each orbit $Gx$ is closed. The stabilizer $G_{x}$ of each point is compact and the map $G/G_{x} \to Gx$ is a homeomorphism. Moreover, if $G$ is Hausdorff then so is $X$.

Proof. Indeed, the orbit equivalence relation is the image of $\rho$, hence it is closed. Since the projection $X \to X/G$ is open, this implies that $X/G$ is Hausdorff. Since the pre-image of the point $[x]$ in $X/G$ is its orbit $Gx$, we see that orbits are closed. The stabilizer $G_{x}$ of a point $x$ is the projection of $\rho^{-1}(x,x)$ to $G$, hence it is compact. The map $G/G_{x} \to Gx$ is proper and $1$-to-$1$, hence a homeomorphism. Finally, if $G$ is Hausdorff, then $\{e\} \times X \subset G \times X$ is closed and therefore the diagonal $\Delta_{X} = \rho(\{e\} \times X)$ of $X \times X$ is closed, hence $X$ is Hausdorff.

Exercise. Let $G$ be a Hausdorff topological group acting properly on a locally compact space $X$. Then $G$ and $X/G$ are both locally compact. If $X$ is compact Hausdorff then so are $G$ and $X/G$.

Replace finite by compact in Type A and Type B. Then we have the following implications for a continuous action:

Proper $\Longrightarrow$ Type A, the converse holds if both $G$ and $X$ are locally compact.

Type A $\Longrightarrow$ Type B.

Let $K \subset X$ be compact. Then $K \times K \subset X \times X$ is compact. Thus, if the action is of type A, then $\rho^{-1}(K \times K) = \{(g,x) \in G \times X\,:\,(x,gx) \in K \times K\} \subset G \times X$ is compact. The projection of this set to $G$ is compact and consists precisely of the $g \in G$ for which $K \cap gK \neq \emptyset$.

Type B $\Longrightarrow$ Type A if $X$ is Hausdorff.

We have to show that $\rho^{-1}(L)$ is compact for every compact $L \subset X \times X$. Let $K$ be the union of the two projections of $L$. Then $(g,x) \in \rho^{-1}(K \times K)$ is equivalent to $x \in K \cap gK$. Since $\rho^{-1}(K \times K)$ is compact and $\rho^{-1}(L)$ is a closed subset of $\rho^{-1}(K \times K)$, we have that $\rho^{-1}(L)$ is compact.

Corollary. If $G$ and $X$ are locally compact, properness, Type A and Type B are all equivalent.

Let me now show that in the locally compact setting properness is equivalent to a refinement of Type C:

Proposition. Let $G$ and $X$ be locally compact and assume that $G$ acts continuously on $X$. The following are equivalent:

  1. The action is proper.
  2. For all $x,y \in X$ there are open neighborhoods $U_{x}, U_{y} \subset X$ of $x$ and $y$ such that $C = \{g \in G\,:\,gU_x \cap U_{y} \neq \emptyset \}$ is relatively compact.

Proof. $1.$ implies $2.$ Let $K_{x}$ and $K_{y}$ be compact neighborhoods of $x$ and $y$. Then the set $\rho^{-1}(K_{x} \times K_{y})$ is compact and its projection to $G$ contains $C$ and is compact. Now let $U_{x}$ and $U_{y}$ be the interiors of $K_{x}$ and $K_{y}$.

$2.$ implies $1$. Let $K \subset X \times X$ be compact. We want to show that $\rho^{-1}(K)$ is compact as well. Let $(g_{n},x_{n})$ be a universal net in $\rho^{-1}(K)$. Then $(x_{n},g_{n}x_{n})$ is a universal net in $K$ and hence converges to some $(x,y) \in K$. Let $U_{x}, U_{y}$ and $C$ be as in $2.$. Then $(x_{n},g_{n}x_{n}) \in U_{x} \times U_{y}$ eventually and thus also $(g_{n}) \subset C$ eventually. Since $(g_{n})$ is universal and $C$ is relatively compact, $(g_{n})$ converges to some $g \in G$. Hence $(g_{n},x_{n})$ converges to $(g,x) \in \rho^{-1}(K)$.

Example. To see that Type C is weaker than properness, consider $A = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 0 \\ 0 & 2^{-1} \end{pmatrix}$ and the action of $\mathbb{Z}$ on $\mathbb{R}^{2} \smallsetminus \{0\}$ given by $n \cdot x = A^{n} x$. For instance for $x = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$ and $y = \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix}$ and all neighborhoods $U_{x} \ni x$ and $U_{y} \ni y$ the set $\{n \in \mathbb{Z}\,:\, U_{x} \cap n \cdot U_{y} \neq \emptyset \}$ is infinite. Thus this action isn't proper. On the other hand, it is easy to see that it is of Type C.

Remark. The previous example shows that properness of an action is not a local property.

Exercise. If the action of a locally compact group $G$ on a locally compact space $X$ is of type C and $X/G$ is Hausdorff then it is proper.

To finish this discussion, it is evident that an action of type C is also of type E, hence type E is also weaker than properness. Finally, a trivial action is of type D, hence this property has nothing to do with properness.

Here are some references:

I've followed Bourbaki, Topologie Générale, Ch. III, in terminology, and the proofs I've given are variants of Bourbaki's. I happen to like Koszul's Lectures on groups of transformations. If you're looking for a more pedestrian approach, you can find the most important facts in Lee's Introduction to topological manifolds.