[Math] Proof of a combinatorial equation


How can we use elementary methods to prove that

$$\sum_{i = 2}^{n}{{n \choose i} i! n^{n – i}} = \sum_{i = 1}^{n – 1}{{n \choose i}i^i (n – i)^{n – i}}$$

for any integer $n \geq 0$?

The values of each side for fixed $n$ are 0, 0, 2, 24, 312, 4720, … (A001864 – OEIS).

Best Answer

Everything is already contained in OEIS comments for A001864 and A000435 (a remarkable comment is that A000435 is the sequence that started it all: the first sequence in the database!)

We take $n$ labelled vertices, consider all trees on them, and sum up the distances between all pairs of vertices (each distance counted twice).

One way to do it is the following: this sum is the number of 5-tuples $(T,a,b,c,d)$ such that $T$ is a tree, $a,b,c,d$ are vertices, $ab$ is an edge of $T$ and this edge belongs to the path between $c$ and $d$ (in the order $cabd$ on the path). If we remove $ab$, we get two connected components $A\ni a$, $B\ni b$. If $|A|=i$, $|B|=n-i$, we may fix $A$, $B$ by $\binom{n}i$ ways, after that fix restrictions of $T$ onto $A$, $B$ by $i^{i-2}(n-i)^{n-i-2}$ ways and fix $a,b,c,d$ by $i^2(n-i)^2$ ways. Totally we get RHS of your formula.

Why we get LHS is explained in Claude Lenormand's comment for A000435 (there we count the sum of distances from the fixed vertex 0 to other vertices in all trees, of course it is $n$ times less than the sum of all distances.)