[Math] Proof by `universal receiver’


Anyone following the news knows about the major breakthoughs that have taken place recently in $3$-manifold topology. These have come via a route whose big-picture I find to be conceptually interesting. To prove a property $P$ (largeness, linear over $\mathbb{Z}$, virtual fibering, LERF, virtually biorderable etc.) for a class of objects $X$ (e.g. fundamental groups of finite volume hyperbolic $3$-manifolds), embed each object of $X$ nicely in an object of a `universal receiver' class of objects $R$ (Right-Angled Artin Groups, or RAAGs), each of which are simple and has good properties. The existence of such an embedding in itself implies property $P$ which you are interested in, maybe with some additional effort (Agol's fibering theorem, tameness, etc.).

Proving a mathematical statement in this way makes a lot of sense, but I don't recall having seen this proof pattern before anywhere else in mathematics. Well, that's not entirely true- Cayley's Theorem that a group embeds in a permutation group has some corollaries (e.g. Given a group $G$ and subgroup $H$ with $[G:H]=n$, there exists a exists a normal subgroup $N$ of $G$, with $N\subseteq H$ such that $[G:N]|n!$).

Question: Which other conjectures, that objects in a class $X$ have a property $P$, have been proven by embedding objects in $X$ nicely as subobjects of objects in a universal receiver $R$ whose good properties imply $P$ for objects in $X$?

For a compelling example, it would have to be difficult to prove $P$ for objects in $X$ in any other way. For an even more compelling example, the universal receiver $R$ would be surprising (RAAGs are a surprising universal receiver, I think).

Best Answer

Lie's third theorem - that every finite-dimensional Lie algebra (over the reals) is the tangent space of some Lie group - is quite difficult to establish without first establishing Ado's theorem that every finite-dimensional Lie algebra embeds into the Lie algebra of a general linear group. But once Ado's theorem is in place, the claim is quite easy: the Lie group is the space of curves in the general linear group that are tangent to the embedded linear algebra, up to smooth deformation.

(Without Ado's theorem, it is relatively straightforward to make the Lie algebra the tangent space of a local Lie group via the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula, but establishing the global associative law necessary to extend this local Lie group to a global one is highly non-trivial. The main contribution of Ado's theorem, then, is allowing one to exploit the global associativity of the general linear group, which is a triviality in this concrete setting, but not in the setting of the abstract local group given by BCH.)