[Math] Progressively measurable vs adapted


I often see in stochastic calculus books the terms 'adapted process' and 'progressively measurable process'. I know there is a small difference between them (every progressively measurable process is adapted but the converse is not necessarily true) but I can't get it from the mathematical definitions.

The definition of progressively measurable process is the following:
A stochastic process $X$ defined on a filtered probability space $(\Omega ,{\mathcal F},{({{\mathcal F}_t})_{t \ge 0}},P)$ is progressively measurable with respect to ${({{\mathcal F}_t})_{t \ge 0}}$, if the function $X(s,\omega):[0,t]\times \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is $\cal{B}([0,t]) \times \cal{F}_t$ measurable for every $t\ge 0$.

The definition of adapted process:
A stochastic process $X$ on $(\Omega ,{{\mathcal F}},{({{\mathcal F}_t})_{t \ge 0}},P)$ is adapted to the filtration ${({{\mathcal F}_t})_{t \ge 0}}$ (or ${\mathcal F}_t$-adapted) if $X(t)\in {\mathcal F}_t$ for each $t \ge 0$.

Can someone explain me the difference in simple words? I think I understand the definition of the adapted process quite well but I'm probably confused of the role of the Borel sigma algebra in the definition of the progressively measurable process.

Best Answer

@Conrado Augusto: You may find an example of a measurable, adapted but not progressively measurable process in these lecture notes of Michael Scheutzow (Example 1.38):

Now we provide an example of an adapted and measurable process which is not progressive.

Example 1.38. Let $(\Omega, \mathcal F ) = ([0, 1], \mathcal L)$, where $\mathcal L$ denotes the $\sigma$-algebra of Lebesgue sets in [0, 1] which – by definition – is the completion of $\mathcal B[0,1]$ with respect to Lebesgue measure. Let $\mathcal L_0$ be the $\sigma$-algebra on $[0,1] $ containing all sets in $\mathcal L$ which have Lebesgue measure $0$ or $1$. Define $\mathcal F_t :=\mathcal L_0$ for all $t\ge0$. Define the set $A\subset[0,\infty)\times\Omega$ by $A=\{(x,x)\mid x\in[0,1/2]\}$. Then $A \in \mathcal B[0,\infty )\otimes \mathcal F_t$ but for each $t > 0$, $A\cap ([0,t]\times\Omega ) \not\in \mathcal B[0,t]\otimes \mathcal F_t$ (otherwise the projection of the intersection onto $\Omega$ would be in $\mathcal F_t$ by Theorem 1.36 which is however not the case). Therefore the indicator of $A$ is measurable and (check!) adapted but not progressive.

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