[Math] Probability of a black path on a random chess board


Take a $2n$ by $2n$ chess board (oriented so the grid lines are vertical and horizontal). Usually there are $2n^2$ squares coloured black and $2n^2$ squares coloured white so that a black square is only adjacent to white squares. (Here, two squares are adjacent if they have a common edge.)

Suppose instead we start with a blank $2n$ by $2n$ chess board. We pick $2n^2$ squares at random and assign them black. The other half of the squares are assigned white.

  1. What is the probability the resulting chessboard has a monotonic black path? (Here, a monotonic black path is one which starts in the South-West corner and finishes in the North-East corner, and consists entirely of black squares adjacent along their North or East edge.

  2. What is the probability that the resulting chessboard has a black path from the South-West corner to the North-East corner? (Here, a black path is a sequence of adjacent black squares)

Best Answer

James correctly identified percolation theory as the place where something like this is studied seriously. But let's do an elementary calculation.

Each possible path consists of $4n-1$ squares and is uniquely specified by saying which $2n-1$ of the $4n-2$ squares other than the first is vertically above the square before. Thus, there are exactly $$\binom{4n-2}{2n-1}$$ possible paths. Each path appears in a random board with probability $2^{-4n+1}$. Therefore, the expected number of paths is $$2^{-4n+1}\binom{4n-2}{2n-1} \sim \frac{1}{\sqrt{8\pi n}},$$ where the last expression comes from Stirling's formula.

Since the expected number of paths goes to 0, the probability that there is at least one path goes to 0 at least as fast. A quick simulation shows that James is correct that the probability goes to 0 exponentially fast (maybe slightly faster than $2^{-n}$).