[Math] Positive Fourier coefficients

cv.complex-variablesfourier analysis

Hi all,
Is there any general way to construct a smooth 2pi periodic function which vanishes on an interval and has positive Fourier coefficients?
And if that was too specific I can make this more general by asking if there is any general characterization for functions on the torus with positive Fourier coefficients?

Best Answer

Sure. Let $f$ be a smooth real-valued function supported on $A \subseteq [0,2\pi]$. Then, denoting convolution by $*$, we have:

  1. f*f s supported on the Minkowski sum $A+A$
  2. f*f is smooth
  3. $\widehat{f*f}(n) = |\hat{f}(n)|^2 \geq 0$.

From 1, if the support of $f$ is a small interval, the support of $f*f$ will be a slightly bigger interval. Clearly, the support of $f$ can be chosen appropriately so that $f*f$ will vanish on any specified interval.