[Math] polynomial-time algorithm for untangling the unknot


I've found assertions that recognising the unknot is NP (but not explicitly NP hard or NP complete). I've found hints that people are looking for untangling algorithms that run in polynomial time (which implies they may exist). I've found suggestions that recognition and untangling require exponential time. (Untangling is a form of recognising.)

I suppose I'm asking whether there exists
(1) a "diagram" of a knot,
(2) a "cost" measure of the diagram,
(3) a "move" which can be applied to the diagram,
(4) the "move" always reduces the "cost",
(5) the "move" can be selected and applied in polynomial time,
(6) the "cost" can be calculated in polynomial time.

For instance, Reidemeister moves, fail on number (4) if the "cost" is number of crossings.

So what is the current status of the problem?



Best Answer

This 2012 report of "A fast branching algorithm for unknot recognition with experimental polynomial time behaviour" by B. Burton and M. Ozlen may well represent the current status of the problem:

It is a major unsolved problem as to whether unknot recognition - that is, testing whether a given closed loop in $R^3$ can be untangled to form a plain circle - has a polynomial time algorithm. Here we present the first algorithm for unknot recognition that guarantees a conclusive result and, though still worst-case exponential in theory, behaves in practice like a polynomial-time algorithm under systematic, exhaustive experimentation.

(see also the discussion in this MO posting from 2013)

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