[Math] Poisson equation with special Neumann BC

ap.analysis-of-pdesdifferential equationselliptic pde


Consider Poisson equation with Neumann boundary condition but the right hand side of boundary condition is in term of the unknown function $u$.
How we can solve it?

$\Delta u(x) = f(x)\quad in~ \Omega$

$\frac{\partial u(x)}{\partial n }=g(u(x))\quad on~\partial \Omega$

where n is outward normal vector.

For special case let $g=\sqrt u$.

Best Answer

Set $G$ a primitive of $g$. Then the solution is a critical point of the functional $E:H^1(\Omega)\rightarrow{\mathbb R}$ defined by $$E[u]:=\int_\Omega \left(\frac12|\nabla u|^2+fu\right)dx-\int_{\partial\Omega}G(u)ds.$$ If $G(\pm\infty)=-\infty$, you may look for a minimum of $E$ over $H^1(\Omega)$. When $g$ is a decreasing function, $G$ is concave and $E$ is strictly convex: your solution is unique.

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