[Math] Perfectoid universal covers


It is often said, with varying degrees of rigor or enthusiasm, that every rigid space (say over $\mathbb{C}_p$) has a pro-etale cover which is 'topologically trivial' in some sense. For example, this is hinted at (although never said directly) in section 5.7 of Jared Weinstein's Reciprocity laws and Galois representations: recent breakthroughs (pdf).

I was wondering if someone could answer the following questions which, while perhaps naive, are of great interest to me.

If this is too many questions I can break it up into multiple posts.

1) Let $X$ be the `perfectoid closed unit disk' given by $\text{Spa}(\mathbb{C}_p\langle T^{\frac{1}{p^\infty}}\rangle,\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{C}_p}\langle T^{\frac{1}{p^\infty}}\rangle)$. Is it true that $X-\{0\}$ is 'simply connected' in the sense that $\pi_1^{\acute{e}\text{t}}(X-\{0\})=0$? One might imagine that this is something like a pro-etale universal cover of the usual punctured closed unit disk over $\mathbb{C}_p$ since it's at least $\sim$ (in the language of Scholze) to an inverse limit of the finite etale covers $x\mapsto x^{p^n}$ of the punctured closed disk over $\mathbb{C}_p$. I suspect not since covers of the disk (like Artin-Schreier covers) exist. So, is there a 'universal cover' in this case?

EDIT: As mentioned below, I was being hasty and should have said something like 'the maximal $p$-quotient of $\pi_1^{\acute{e}\text{t}}$ is zero.

2) If $X$ is any rigid space over $K$ (a $p$-adic field, or perhaps $\widehat{\overline{K}}$ for a $p$-adic field) then is there a 'universal cover' of $X$. The precise definition of this is open for me–is there a particularly good notion, and if so, when does it exist. For example, if there is a pro-etale cover $\{U_i\}$ of $X$ and an adic space $\widetilde{X}$ such that $\widetilde{X}\sim \varprojlim U_i$ and $\widetilde{X}$ is 'simply connected' (i.e. that $\pi_1^{\acute{e}{t}}(\widetilde{X})=0$ or, perhaps even better, $\pi_1^{\text{pro}\acute{e}\text{t}}(\widetilde{X})=0$).

EDIT: As mentioned below, I was being hasty and should have said something like 'the maximal $p$-quotient of $\pi_1^{\acute{e}\text{t}}$ is zero and similarly for the proetale fundamental group.

3) I have the sense that perfectoid spaces have 'simpler geometry' (for example, I think this can be seen by the almost zeroness of their cohomology with values in $\mathcal{O}_X^+$ and how this relates to their cohomology with values in $\mathbb{F}_p$ by the AS sequence), but I don't know a precise statement of this. Namely, how is the etale topology of a perfectoid space simpler than, say, a general rigid variety?

4) It is sometimes said that one can use perfectoid geometry to try and compute things like the etale cohomology of some rigid variety by computing the Cech cohomology of some pro-etale perfectoid cover. What is the precise statement of this? I think that one can compute the cohomology of $\mathcal{O}_X^+$ almost (in the technical sense) from a pro-etale perfectoid cover. Does one then try to compute cohomology with coefficients in $\mathbb{F}_p$ almost-ly by using the AS sequence again?

Any answers to any of these questions would be greatly appreciate–as well as any other insight someone might want to add.


EDIT: I guess I should add that one probably doesn't expect universal covers in terms of 'pure topological trivialness' (or, rather, pure topological trivialness in-so far as $\pi_1$ or other '1-dimensional topology' is concerned) but rather in the sort of topological trivialness (again in degree $1$) concerned with $p$-torsion or pro-$p$-torsion coefficients.

So, as Will Sawin mentions below, you can still likely make covers with prime-to-$p$ degree of the 'universal cover'.

In summary, perhaps '$p$-universal cover' is better…

Best Answer

Lol @"varying degrees of enthusiasm" ;-). And sorry for the late answer...

Let me try to answer your questions. First, for any connected analytic adic space $X$, say, with a geometric point $\overline{x}\to X$, one can define $\pi_1^{\mathrm{et}}(X,\overline{x})$ just like in SGA1 for schemes, by looking at the Galois category of finite etale covers of $X$. In particular, passing to an inverse limit of all such finite etale covers equipped with a lift of $\overline{x}$, one can define a (profinite) "universal cover" $\tilde{X}\to X$. If $X$ lives over $\mathbb Z_p$ and is affinoid (probably Stein is enough) then $\tilde{X}$ is perfectoid; see for example Lemma 15.3 here (the funny phrasing there is solely due to the desire to also handle the case that $X$ is not connected).

This largely answers question 2). Unfortunately, I don't know how to define a pro-etale fundamental group in the spirit of my paper with Bhatt. There we handle the case of schemes that locally have only a finite number of irreducible components. This is a very mild condition for schemes, but for analytic adic spaces, the condition is much too strong, see Example 7.3.12 of our paper. That example shows that the formalism actually does not work in the same way for analytic adic spaces, and I don't know how to correct it. So I will only use the usual $\pi_1^{\mathrm{et}}$.

For question 1), the answer is actually No. Using Artin-Schreier covers, there are lots and lots of finite etale covers beyond the ones one might think about, so in particular the perfectoid closed unit disc has very large $\pi_1^{\mathrm{et}}$ (even (or especially) pro-$p$). What one might reasonably hope is that any finite etale cover of degree $p$ of the punctured perfectoid closed unit disc extends to a finite etale cover of the perfectoid closed unit disc. For this precise question, I'm actually confused: If the finite etale covers comes from some finite stage, it follows from some classical results in rigid geometry that it extends to a finite, possibly ramified cover, over the puncture, and then by Abhyankar's lemma this becomes trivial after passing to the perfectoid cover. However, I believe that at infinite level, one will get new, more nasty covers, that do not come from finite level.

About question 3): One key fact is that affinoid perfectoid spaces have etale $p$-cohomological dimension $\leq 1$, i.e. for etale $p$-torsion sheaves, etale cohomology sits in degrees $\leq 1$. This in fact reduces by tilting to the case of characteristic $p$, where it follows from Artin-Schreier theory. Combining this with some interesting examples of perfectoid towers, one can get interesting vanishing results. In fact, these can usually be slightly improved upon by using $\mathcal O_X^+$-cohomology, the primitive comparison theorem, and the (almost) vanishing of $\mathcal O_X^+$-cohomology on affinoid perfectoids. This has been applied for example to Shimura varieties, abelian varieties [Well, the written version of that paper actually doesn't use this method, but our original approach did use it, see the discussion on page 1], and moduli spaces of curves.

This ties in with question 4). What one usually does is the following. Say $\ldots\to X_2\to X_1\to X_0$ is some tower of proper rigid-analytic varieties over $\mathbb C_p$ with perfectoid limit $X_\infty$. For each $X_n$, the primitive comparison theorem says that $$H^i(X_n,\mathbb F_p)\otimes \mathcal O_{\mathbb C_p}/p\to H^i(X_n,\mathcal O_{X_n}^+/p)$$ is an almost isomorphism, where both sides are etale cohomology. (The proof of this uses some Artin-Schreier theory, and one could also formulate an Artin-Schreier sequence, but this tends to give weaker results.) Passing to the colimit over $n$ (so the limit on spaces), one sees that also $$H^i(X_\infty,\mathbb F_p)\otimes \mathcal O_{\mathbb C_p}/p\to H^i(X_\infty,\mathcal O_{X_\infty}^+/p)$$ is an isomorphism. Now on perfectoid $X_\infty$, the group on the right behaves like coherent cohomology, in particular it can (almost) be computed on the analytic side, and in fact by a Cech complex. This shows in particular that it (almost) vanishes in degrees larger than $\dim X_\infty$. In particular, $H^i(X_\infty,\mathbb F_p)$ vanishes in degrees larger than $\dim X_\infty$, which gives the vanishing theorems I mentioned.

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