[Math] Penrose’s singularity theorem


Roger Penrose won today the Nobel Prize in Physics for the singularity theorem, which at first glance seems to be a result in pure mathematics.

Questions about the theorem:

  • What kind of mathematical technology was used to prove this?
  • What ideas did it require that were new at the time?
  • Has its interest since then been mainly in physics or has it also led to new mathematics?

There is a related question on Penrose's broader contributions.

Best Answer


Penrose's singularity theorem is a bit of a misnomer.

Penrose never showed that there is a singularity in the spacetime. What he proved is that the spacetime cannot be timelike or null geodesically complete. As is now well understood, this does not necessarily mean there there is a singularity (in the sense of a region of extreme curvature).

A much better name for the theorem is incompleteness theorem.


Beyond basic differential geometric concepts that are covered in common undergraduate courses, such as the concepts of the cut/conjugate points, the key idea that is used is the Raychaudhuri equation for null geodesics, which is a specific form of the Jacobi equation for Jacobi fields along geodesics, but specialized when we consider a family of null (or in the case of the original Raychaudhuri-Laudau equations, time-like) geodesics.

Those of us familiar with the Jacobi equation understands that it says that the rate of acceleration of the separation of nearby geodesics are governed by a curvature quantity. And here is where the theorem is no longer purely geometric: the curvature quantity involved can be related by Einstein's equation to the space-time matter content, and under "reasonable assumptions" this curvature quantity can be assumed to be signed (or zero).

So this means that the presence of reasonable matter will cause nearby null geodesics to want to focus toward each other, similar to how geodesics tend to want to behave on positively curved Riemannian manifolds. So from here we see that there must be some conjugate or cut points that comes up from this focusing.

In terms of lasting mathematical impact, probably this step is the strongest for the modern mathematical GR community. What Penrose demonstrated is that one can pull out monotonicity properties for the evolution equation in a useful way, even though the equations of motion is manifestly time-symmetric. It cemented the importance of thinking about the Raychaudhuri equations (as well as the geometry of null hypersurfaces), and also lends a sort of different philosophy to what is and isn't doable in mathematical GR (this latter is a bit harder to describe).


The other main ingredient is a careful understanding of the causal structure of spacetime. By the arguments in the previous step, Penrose showed that the boundary of a certain space-time set is necessarily compact, due to the presence of cut and conjugate points.

A detailed examination of the causal structure of the spacetime, gives a different characterization of the same boundary. Assuming that the space-time is geodesically complete, one can prove from general principles that the same boundary must be a non-compact set.

The contradiction is what leads to a proof of incompleteness.

For someone trained in classical differential geometry, this last ingredient, the understanding of the causal geometry (which is only present in Lorentzian and not Riemannian geometry), is probably the least familiar.