[Math] Partial inverse of a matrix – or does it have its own name

linear algebramatricesmatrix inverseterminology

In my calculations I need to use something which is "between" a matrix and its inverse. That is, I invert only some dimensions. I am interested if it has an established name.

That is, a matrix (here 2×2 real, but it is more general)
u' \\ v'
u \\ v
defines a hyperplane in coordinates $(u,v,u',v')$.
Its inverse (if exists) can be defined as a linear operator such that
u \\ v
u' \\ v'

I am interested in inverting only some coordinates, e.g.
u \\ v'
u' \\ v

I know it is a relatively simple thing related to the implicit function theorem, with simple formulas. Yet, I use it a lot and I need to call it somehow. So:

  • does it have its own name?
  • if not, is "partial inverse" fine? (not colliding with other names, not (too) confusing, etc)

If you are curious, I use it in physics (optics) to relate a scattering matrix (relating input to output) to a transfer matrix (relating left/right of an interface).

Best Answer

It is a principal pivot transform, also known as sweep operator or gyration. You can check the linked review paper.