[Math] papers archives? (especially not indexed by google)


has many papers with free access (e.g. Inventiones Mathematicae)
but when you search with scholar.google.com it does not index this site!

Are there any other archives like this?

Just in case let me list other archives (they are indexed by google as far as I understand).





e.g. I cannot find:

Koszul, J (1981), "Les algebres de Lie graduées de type sl (n, 1) et l'opérateur de A. Capelli", C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris (292): 139-141

Does it mean search skills are poor or it is really not available electronically?

Best Answer

The AMS maintains a page listing all journals available electronically:


From time to time I have requested them to add a journal which wasn't already there on their list; if more people do so regularly, this might become the first place to visit when looking for an old article.