Solvable Octic Equation – Analysis of x^8-x^7+29x^2+29=0


The irreducible but solvable octic,


was first mentioned by Igor Schein in this 1999 sci.math post. This does not factor over a quadratic or quartic extension, but over a 7th deg one. It can also be nicely solved using the $29th$ root of unity. Let $\omega = \exp(2\pi i /29)$ then define,

$$y = y_k = \omega^{k}+\omega^{12k}+\omega^{17k}+\omega^{28k}\tag{2}$$

$$z_k = 4(y^3+y^2-9y-4)(y^2-2)(y-1)+9\tag{3}$$

then I found a pair of roots of $(1)$ as,

$$x = \frac{1\color{red}{-}\sqrt{z_{1}}+\sqrt{z_{2}}+\sqrt{z_{4}}+\sqrt{z_{8}}+\sqrt{z_{16}}+\sqrt{z_{32}}+\sqrt{z_{64}}}{8} \approx 1.79106+0.8286\,i\dots$$

$$x = \frac{1+\sqrt{z_{1}}\color{red}{-}\sqrt{z_{2}}\color{red}{-}\sqrt{z_{4}}+\sqrt{z_{8}}+\sqrt{z_{16}}\color{red}{-}\sqrt{z_{32}}+\sqrt{z_{64}}}{8} \approx 1.79106-0.8286\,i\dots$$

and the other pairs using appropriate signs of the square roots.

Note: Of course, $y_k$ and $z_k$ are roots of two different 7th-deg eqns with integer coefficients, while $(3)$ is the 6th-deg Tschirnhausen transformation between them. (In an earlier edit, I used an alternative expression for $z_k$ by P. Montgomery found in the sci.math link, but I like this one better.)

Question: Does anyone know why $(1)$ has such a simple form, and if we can find other similar irreducible but solvable octics involving a $p$th root of unity for other prime $p$? (For some reason, this does not appear in the Kluener's database of number fields for 8T25.)

Best Answer

To answer your second question, there are soluble octics with the same Galois group involving other $p$th roots of unity. Take $p\equiv 1\mod 7$, and $K={\mathbb Q}(\alpha)$ the unique degree 7 extension of ${\mathbb Q}$ in ${\mathbb Q}(\zeta_p)$. E.g. take $\alpha=\sum_i \zeta_p^i$ where $i$ ranges over all seventh powers in ${\mathbb F_p}$.

If $f(x)$ is the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ (degree 7), then $f(x^2)$ is the minimal polynomial of $\sqrt\alpha$, which defines, generally, a 'random' quadratic extension of $K$. That is, its Galois group over ${\mathbb Q}$ is $$ G=C_2\wr C_7\cong C_2^7:C_7. $$ Viewing $C_2^7$ as a 7-dimensional representation of $C_7$ over ${\mathbb F}_2$, it decomposes as a 1-dimensional (trivial) representation plus two distinct 3-dimensional ones. (The reason for this is that $2^3\equiv 1\mod 7$.) Factor out $C_2^4\triangleleft G$, which is one of those plus the trivial one. This gives a Galois group $C_2^3:C_7$ that you are after, and a subgroup $C_7$ in it cuts out the required octic field.

Here is a Magma code that can be used in the Magma online calculator to get such an octic:

p:=43;        // or some other p = 1 mod 7

alpha:=&+[z^i: i in [1..p] | IsPower(GF(p)!i,7)];    

assert exists(a){a: a in ArtinRepresentations(K) | #Kernel(Character(a)) eq 16};

You can also stick in a Tschirnhaus transformation, say,


in the 5th line to vary the generator of $K$ - in this way you get all possible $C_2^3:C_7$-extensions involving $p$th roots of unity.

For your questions in the comments, the roots might be real or complex, and the constant term may or may not be a square - this depends on whether $\alpha$ is chosen to be totally real, and on the way 'Minimize' works; you can always use an additional Tschirnhaus transformation to modify the final output or Pari's 'polredabs' function to try and get the coefficients smaller.

I do not know the reason why for $p=29$ there is such an elegant octic, this is very curious. It is a bit like the Trinks polynomial $x^7-7x+3$ with Galois group PSL(2,7), and I wonder whether simple polynomials having interesting Galois group is such a statistical blip, or there is a reason behind it.

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