[Math] On “The Average Height of Planted Plane Trees” by Knuth, de Bruijn and Rice (1972)

co.combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsenumerative-combinatoricslatticesrandom walks

I am trying to derive the classic paper in the title only by elementary means (no generating functions, no complex analysis, no Fourier analysis) although with much less precision. In short, I "only" want to prove that the average height $h_n$ of a tree with $n$ nodes (that is, the maximum number of nodes from the root to a leaf) satisfies $h_n \sim \sqrt{\pi n}$.

The outline is as follows. Let $A_{nh}$ be the number of trees with height less than or equal to $h$ (with the convention $A_{nh} = A_{nn}$ for all $h \geqslant n$) and $B_{nh}$ the number of trees of $n$ nodes with height greater than or equal to $h+1$ (that is, $B_{nh} = A_{nn} – A_{nh}$). Then $h_n = S_n/A_{nn}$, where $S_n$ is the finite sum
S_n = \sum_{h \geqslant 1} h(A_{nh} – A_{n,h-1}) = \sum_{h \geqslant 1} h(B_{n,h-1} – B_{nh}) = \sum_{h \geqslant 0} B_{nh}.
It is well known that $A_{nn} = \frac{1}{n}\binom{2n-2}{n-1}$, for the set of general trees with $n$ nodes is in bijection with the set of binary trees with $n-1$ nodes, counted by the Catalan numbers.

Therefore, the first step is to find $B_{nh}$ and then the main term in the asymptotic expansion of $S_n$.

At this point the authors use analytical combinatorics (three pages) to derive
B_{n+1,h-1} = \sum_{k \geqslant 1} \left[\binom{2n}{n+1-kh} – 2\binom{2n}{n-kh} + \binom{2n}{n-1-kh}\right].

My own attempt is as follows. I consider the bijection between trees with $n$ nodes
and monotonic paths on a square grid $(n-1) \times (n-1)$ from $(0,0)$ to $(n-1,n-1)$ which do not cross the diagonal (and are made of two kinds of steps: $\uparrow$ and $\rightarrow$). These paths are sometimes called Dyck paths or excursions. I can express now $B_{nh}$ in terms of lattice paths: it is the number of Dyck paths of length 2(n-1) and height greater than or equal to $h$. (Note: a tree of height $h$ is in bijection with a Dyck path of height $h-1$.)

Without loss of generality, I assume that they start with $\uparrow$ (hence stay above the diagonal). For each path, I consider the first step crossing the line $y = x + h – 1$, if any. From the point above, all the way back to the origin, I change $\uparrow$ into $\rightarrow$ and vice versa (this is a reflection wrt the line $y=x+h$). It becomes apparent that the paths I want to count ($B_{nh}$) are in bijection with the monotonic paths from $(-h,h)$ to $(n-1,n-1)$ which avoid the boundaries $y=x+2h+1$ and $y=x-1$. (See figure.)

In the classic book Lattice Path Counting and Applications by Mohanty (1979, page 6) the formula
\sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} \left[\binom{m+n}{m-k(t+s)} – \binom{m+n}{n+k(t+s)+t}\right],
counts the number of monotonic paths in a lattice from $(0,0)$ to $(m,n)$, which avoid the boundaries $y = x – t$ and $y = x + s$, with $t > 0$ and $s > 0$. (This result was first established by Russian statisticians in the 50s.) Therefore, by considering a new origin at $(-h,h)$, we satisfy the conditions of the formula: $s=1$, $t=2h+1$ and the destination point (the upper right corner) is now $(n+h-1,n-h-1)$. Then
B_{nh} = \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} \left[\binom{2n-2}{n+h-1-k(2h+2)} – \binom{2n-2}{n-h-1+k(2h+2) + 2h+1}\right].
This can be simplified in
B_{n+1,h-1} = \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} \left[\binom{2n}{n+1-(2k+1)h} – \binom{2n}{n-(2k+1)h}\right],
which, in turn, is equivalent to
B_{n+1,h-1} = \sum_{k \geqslant 0} \left[\binom{2n}{n+1-(2k+1)h} – 2\binom{2n}{n-(2k+1)h} + \binom{2n}{n-1-(2k+1)h}\right].
The difference with the expected formula is that I sum over the odd numbers ($2k+1$), instead of all positive integers ($k$). First, I hoped that the even terms would cancel out, but that does not seem to be the case.

Any idea where is the problem?

Starting from the expected result, by the same elementary binomial manipulations, we have
B_{n,h} = A_{nn} + \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}}\left[\binom{2n-2}{n-k(h+1)} – \binom{2n-2}{n-1+k(h+1)}\right].
But if we try to find a combinatorial interpretation to this sum in terms of bounded lattice paths, we fail: the destination point has coordinates $(n,n-2)$, which is below the inferior boundary $y = x – 1$, so the number of paths is $0$, but Mohanty's formula gives negative numbers in this kind of situation (although he does not mention this). Therefore, if we find a combinatorial interpretation for the absolute value of these numbers, we can understand the result in the same terms.]

[Edit: In response to a comment below, here are all the details in slow motion.
B_{n,h} &= \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}}\left[\binom{2n-2}{n-(2k+1)(h+1)} – \binom{2n-2}{n-1+(2k+1)(h+1)}\right]\cr
B_{n+1,h-1} &= \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}}\left[\binom{2n}{n+1-(2k+1)h} – \binom{2n}{n+(2k+1)h}\right]\cr
&= \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}}\left[\binom{2n}{n+1-(2k+1)h} – \binom{2n}{n-(2k+1)h}\right]\cr
&= \sum_{k \geqslant 0}\left[\binom{2n}{n+1-(2k+1)h} – \binom{2n}{n-(2k+1)h}\right]\cr
&+ \sum_{k > 0}\left[\binom{2n}{n+1+(2k-1)h} – \binom{2n}{n+(2k-1)h)}\right]\cr
&= \sum_{k \geqslant 0}\left[\binom{2n}{n+1-(2k+1)h} – \binom{2n}{n-(2k+1)h}\right]\cr
&+ \sum_{k \geqslant 0}\left[\binom{2n}{n+1+(2k+1)h} -\binom{2n}{n+(2k+1)h}\right]\cr
&= \sum_{k \geqslant 0}\left[\binom{2n}{n+1-(2k+1)h} – \binom{2n}{n-(2k+1)h}\right]\cr
&+ \sum_{k \geqslant 0}\left[\binom{2n}{n-1-(2k+1)h} -\binom{2n}{n-(2k+1)h}\right]\cr
&= \sum_{k \geqslant 0}\left[\binom{2n}{n+1-(2k+1)h} – 2\binom{2n}{n-(2k+1)h} + \binom{2n}{n-1-(2k+1)h}\right].

Best Answer

I think the problem may be in the bijection. Consider instead the following bijection between (planted plane) trees with $n$ vertices and Dyck paths from $(0,0)$ to $(n-1,n-1)$: perform a depth-first search on the tree, moving $\uparrow$ in the Dyck path when you follow an edge away from the root, and $\rightarrow$ in the Dyck path when you follow an edge towards the root. Then a tree of height $h$ corresponds to a Dyck path which reaches $y=x+h-1$ but not $y=x+h$, so $A_{n,h}$ counts the Dyck paths from $(0,0)$ to $(n-1,n-1)$ which avoid the boundaries $y=x+h$ and $y=x-1$. By the referenced formula of Mohanty,

$$A_{n,h} = \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} \left[\binom{2n-2}{n-1-k(h+1)} - \binom{2n-2}{n+k(h+1)}\right]$$


$$\begin{eqnarray*} B_{n+1,h-1} &=& A_{n+1,n+1} - A_{n+1,h-1} \\ &=& \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{2n}{n} + \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} \left[ \binom{2n}{n+1+kh} - \binom{2n}{n-kh} \right] \\ &=& \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{2n}{n} + \sum_{k \geqslant 0} \left[ \binom{2n}{n+1+kh} - \binom{2n}{n-kh} \right] + \\&& \sum_{k > 0} \left[ \binom{2n}{n+1-kh} - \binom{2n}{n+kh} \right] \\ &=& \frac{1}{n+1} \binom{2n}{n} + \binom{2n}{n+1} - \binom{2n}{n} + \\&& \sum_{k \geqslant 1} \left[ \binom{2n}{n+1+kh} - \binom{2n}{n-kh} - \binom{2n}{n+kh} + \binom{2n}{n+1-kh} \right] \\ &=& \sum_{k \geqslant 1} \left[ \binom{2n}{n+1+kh} - \binom{2n}{n-kh} - \binom{2n}{n+kh} + \binom{2n}{n+1-kh} \right] \\ &=& \sum_{k \geqslant 1} \left[ \binom{2n}{2n-(n+1+kh)} - \binom{2n}{n-kh} - \binom{2n}{2n-(n+kh)} + \binom{2n}{n+1-kh} \right] \\ &=& \sum_{k \geqslant 1} \left[ \binom{2n}{n-1-kh} - 2\binom{2n}{n-kh} + \binom{2n}{n+1-kh} \right] \\ \end{eqnarray*}$$

as desired.

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