[Math] ny book explaining in detail the book “Basic Number Theory” by AndrĂ© Weil as Dirichlet did to “Disquisitiones Arithmeticae” by Gauss


Is there any book explaining in detail the book "Basic Number Theory" by Andre Weil as Dirichlet did to "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae"?
This is because I have read the two books mentioned above and I hope there will be one.

Best Answer

Indeed Ramakrishnan and Valenza 's book is a pretty good reference.

Perhaps we could give more specific answers if you were more precise about exactly where your difficulties are?

EDIT: Since we've been given precisions in the comments below, I can confirm R&V's book will nicely do for the basics of the theory ; to get further, from the top of my head, you'll want to have a go with :

  • Cassels and Froehlich (editors), "Algebraic number theory"
  • Serre, "Corps locaux" (translated)
  • Neukirch, "Class field theory"
  • J.S.Milne's notes on class field theory on his website