[Math] Numerical coincidence involving the number 1663


The numerical coincidence

$\displaystyle \frac{1663e^2}{3} \approx 2^{12}$.

showed up in a comment of this mostly-unrelated question.

Numerically, it's not a surprise that $e^2$ is close to a rational number whose numerator and denominator are in this range — similarly good approximations to most numbers can be obtained by truncating the continued fraction at the desired level of accuracy. What's much more of a surprise to me is the appearance of a 12th power in this expression. Is there a good explanation for having such a smooth number here? E.g. see the j-invariant explanation for Ramanujan's observation that


is close to an integer, or the Pisot number explanation for the fact that even powers of the golden ratio are close to integers.

Best Answer

The explanation is that $1663/12288$ is a convergent in the continued fraction expansion of $e^{-2}$. In other words, the continued fraction expansion of $e^{-2}$ starts out as $$[0;7,2,1,1,3,18,5,1,...].$$ If you truncate this expansion after the $5$ then you end up with the rational number $$[0;7,2,1,1,3,18,5]=\frac{1663}{12288}.$$ By basic properties of continued fractions it follows that $$\left|e^{-2}-\frac{1663}{12288}\right|\le\frac{1}{12288^2},$$ which explains the behaviour you are observing. Furthermore there is a theorem which says that all `best approximations' to a real number come from truncating the continued fraction expansion.