[Math] Number of faithful representations of a finite group


Is it known how many faithful linear representations a finite group G has on a complex vector space of given dimension? What if G is abelian?

I would even be interested in this special case: the smallest dimension of a faithful representation of an abelian group over C is the number of factors in the group's invariant factor decomposition, how many faithful representations are there of that dimension? It is not just the sum of φ(mi) (where mi are the orders of the "invariant factors") (e.g. Z/2 × Z/2 has 3 faithful two-dimensional representations).

Best Answer

I haven't heard this question before, but I would approach it in a following way: you know some basic relations between irreducible representations of a groups — e.g. their # is the # of conjugacy classes — and let's say we've written the kernels of representations and their dimensions. The generating function (*) that counts all representations is $((1-x^{r\_1})(1-x^{r\_2})\dots (1-x^{r\_k}))^{-1}$ and you're asked to subtract the representations that have nontrivial kernel. This combinatorial problem is partly tractable for a given group, though I don't see a nice closed formula.

The situation simplifies for Abelian groups, and the answer you provide is in the right direction. A semisimple representation of Abelian group is a sum of characters. (I misunderstood what you asked here a bit, but bear with me.) A single character could already be faithful: for example, for $\mathbb Z\_2 \times \mathbb Z\_3 = \mathbb Z\_6$ the irreducible character that hits all 6-roots of unity is a faithful representation. And there are $\varphi(6) = \varphi(3)\cdot\varphi(2) = 2$ of those. Another example: $\mathbb Z\_2\times \mathbb Z\_2$. The same formula doesn't works here as $1\cdot 1 = 1$ but the corresponding representation isn't faithful. For two-dimensional case, you positively get two characters, but there is no reason to expect that there will be a splitting into a character of exactly first summand and exactly second summand. You should, however, be able to calculate it by the method below.

So the formula $\prod\varphi(m\_i)$ will correctly describe the answer only for a case of group having only one invariant factor.

Here's how to make a complete computation for an $n$-dimensional space and the case of $\mathbb Z\_6$. You need to take all representations of it which are neither representations of $\mathbb Z\_2$ nor of $\mathbb Z\_3$. Fortunately, this is easy to write using inclusion-exclusion principle: $(1 -x)^{-5} - (1-x)^{-1} - (1-x)^{-2} + 1$ and you can simplify this or just get the first three terms:
$1+5x+20x^2 + 5x^2 - 1 - x - x^2 - 1 - 2x - 3x^2 + 1 = 0 + 2x + 21x^2 + \dots$ The 2 here stands for 2 "simple" characters of $\mathbb Z\_6$, while 21, if I made no mistake, is the number of 2-dimensional representations: 19 of them are of the type "character as above $\oplus$ anything" and 2 of the type "character of $\mathbb Z\_2$ $\oplus$ character of $\mathbb Z\_3$ ".

Now I think using the same principle you can actually write a generating function for your sequence with an inclusion-exclusion principle for any group G. Since a representation is faithful iff it doesn't have a kernel, you can enumerate all of your normal subgroups and then find your answer as $F\_G(x) - F\_{G/H\_1}(x) - F\_{G/H\_2}(x) - \dots + F\_{G/H\_1\cup H\_2}(x) + \dots $. Here the notation $F\_G(x)$ is a generating function counting all representations and $H\_1, H\_2, \dots$ are all maximal normal subgroups.

Hope that helps.

Update: I understand now you're interested in a closed formula for a specific case. For example, the computation by the formula above for $\mathbb Z\_2\times \mathbb Z\_2$ gives $(3\cdot 4)/2 -1 -1 -1 = 3$. The normal subgroups of an Abelian group are not hard to write, so it would be plausible if this could be made into a good formula.

(*) Let me know if you're not familiar with generating functions.

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