[Math] Notation for eventually less than


Is there some existing notation for

\[f(n)\leq g(n)\] for sufficiently large n

Apart from just writing that itself?
I'm thinking of something compact like the Landau notation $f\ll g$.

(Apologies if this is too specific for MathOverflow – just close it if so. I was also unsure what tags to add, so just edit it accordingly).

Best Answer

In logic, this relation is called almost less than or equal, and is denoted with an asterisks on the relation symbol, like this: $f \leq^* g$.

For example, the bounding number is the size of the smallest family of functions from N to N that is not bounded with respect to this relation. Under CH, the bounding number is the continuum, but it is consistent with the failure of CH that the bounding number is another intermediate value.

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