[Math] Non-finitely generated ring of regular functions


It is remarked in Shafarevich's Basic Algebraic Geometry 1 that Rees and Nagata constructed examples of quasiprojective varieties such that the ring of regular functions is not finitely generated, but I cannot find the source he is referring to. Can anyone give such examples here? Does that mean we can't really say anything about the ring of regular functions of a quasi-projective variety?

Best Answer

It's a theorem that a quasi-projective variety is affine if and only if it is Stein (we're working over C, say) and its ring of functions is finitely generated. So find a Stein manifold that isn't affine, and that will do it.

And, after a bit of looking, it appears that Vakil may have rediscovered the Rees and Nagata example, here.

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