[Math] Need examples of homotopy orbit and fixed points


I am no expert in equivariant homotopy theory. Let's say, I am planing to give a talk on homotopy fixed points and orbits. My audience will be graduate students who are doing algebraic topology or others who have fair knowledge of basic algebraic topology.

I want to give lot of computational examples of fairly basic but illuminating examples homotopy orbits and homotopy fixed points and illustrate that

  1. Homotopy orbits or fixed points differ from ordinary fixed points and ordinary orbits.
  2. Examples two homotopy equivalent spaces, where the $G$-fixed points of respective spaces are not homotopic or the $G$-orbits of respective spaces are not homotopic.

However, I want to avoid examples involving spectra.

Please help me in creating a substantial list of examples/counterexamples/results (of any kind) related to homotopy fixed points and orbits that is suitable for an introductory/motivational talk. References will also be appreciated.

Best Answer

You might mention the case where the group is infinite cyclic with generator $t$. In this case a point in the homotopy fixed space $X^{hG}$can be taken to be a pair $(x,\alpha)$ where $x\in X$ and $\alpha:I\to X$ is a path from $x$ to $\alpha(x)$.

You might make the point that a homotopy fixed point space is in some sense more computable than a fixed point space, partly because if a $G$-map $X\to Y$ is (nonequivariantly) a homotopy equivalence then the induced map $X^{hG}\to Y^{hG}$ is also an equivalence. In this connection you might note that when $G$ is infinite cyclic then there is a long exact sequence relating homotopy groups of $X$ and $X^{hG}$. This generalizes to other groups, but you might need spectral sequences.

Will you mention the (solved) Sullivan Conjecture?