[Math] n RSS reader for mathematicians


For a while, I have used Google Reader to stay on top of several math blogs. Unfortunately, Google will pull the plug on Reader one month from today, so I need to find an alternative fast. I was rather pleased with Feedly until I realized it doesn't render $\LaTeX$. Apparently, this issue was raised to Feedly the day after Google Reader announced its fate, but it hasn't been upvoted very much, so I doubt they will address it anytime soon.

Has anyone found an alternative to Google Reader that is mathematician friendly?

Best Answer

Following Gregor Samsa's recommendation in the comments, I decided to try The Old Reader. (I hadn't tried it before because the site warns that it's only in beta mode, and I want a reliable RSS reader.) The interface is very familiar (coming from Google Reader), and unlike Feedly, The Old Reader actually renders LaTeX (e.g., for all Wordpress blogs). If Feedly addresses the LaTeX issue, I might switch back (since Feedly is not in beta, and arguably more reliable), but until then, The Old Reader might be the best alternative.