[Math] Motivation for equivariant homotopy theory


I'm in the process of learning equivariant homotopy theory, so I was wondering: what is the importance of equivariant homotopy theory, and what has it been applied to so far? I know of HHR's solution to the Kervaire invariant problem, but what are some other applications?

Best Answer

Let me give an example of the use of Smith's theory in real algebraic geometry. Smith theory gives a way to compute fixed point sets in terms of equivariant cohomology, for a "modern" treatment see: Dwyer, William G.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. "Smith theory revisited." Ann. of Math. (2) 127 (1988), no. 1, 191–198.

Let $M^n_{\mathbb{R}}$ be a smooth manifold that is the set of real points of a smooth complex manifold $M^n_{\mathbb{C}}$ then we have: $$\sum_{j=0}^n b_j(M^n_{\mathbb{R}})\leq \sum_{j=0}^{2n}b_j(M^n_{\mathbb{C}}).$$ Where $b_j$ is the $j$-th Betti number with $\mathbb{Z}/2$-coefficients. We consider $M^n_{\mathbb{R}}$ as the set of fixed points of the involution given by by complex conjugation on $M^n_{\mathbb{C}}$.

A modern proof of this inegality can be found in: A. Borel. "Seminar on Transformation groups, (with contributions by G. Bredon, E.E. Floyd, D. Montgomery, R. Palais)" Ann. of M. Studies n. 46, Princeton UniversityPress, 1960.

It uses spectral sequences for the $\mathbb{Z}/2$-equivariant cohomology.

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