[Math] Most manifolds are hyperbolic


I heard the claim as in the title for a long time, but can not find the precise reference for this claim, what's the reference with proof for this claim? Thanks for the help.
To be more precise, is there a canonical topology structure on the space $\Omega$ of all compact $n$-dim smooth manifolds, such that for any compact smooth $n$-dim manifold $M^n$, any neighborhood $U$ of $M^n$ in $\Omega$, there is a $n$-dim smooth manifold $N^n\in U$ such that $N^n$ admits a Riemannian metric with curvature equal to $-1$. Everything in my mind is just Riemannian hyperbolic, no complex structure involved.

Best Answer

The quotes are from Thurston's survey paper Three dimensional manifolds, kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry page 362:

2.6. THEOREM [Th 1]. Suppose $L \subset M^3$ is a link such that $M — L$ has a hyperbolic structure. Then most manifolds obtained from $M$ by Dehn surgery along $L$ have hyperbolic structures. In fact, if we exclude, for each component of $L$, a finite set of choices of identification maps (up to the appropriate equivalence relation as mentioned above), all the remaining Dehn surgeries yield hyperbolic manifolds.


Every closed 3-manifold is obtained from the three-sphere $S^3$ by Dehn surgery along some link whose complement is hyperbolic, so in some sense Theorem 2.6 says that most 3-manifolds are hyperbolic.

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