[Math] Morse theory in TOP and PL categories


Apparently there are topological and piecewise linear versions of Morse theory. I would like to know of references that treat these topics.

How is a Morse function defined for compact manifolds (with boundary) in the TOP and PL categories?

It is well known that smooth Morse functions always exits for compact smooth manifolds. Are there similar results in the TOP and PL categories?

It is possible to classify closed smooth surfaces via smooth Morse theory. Is there a classification theorem for closed TOP (respestively PL) surfaces via topological (respectively PL) Morse theory?


Best Answer

For TOP Morse function a reference is the classical book of Kirby and Siebenmann "Foundational essays on topological manifolds, smoothings, and triangulations" (1977). The key point is to consider the local standard coordinate charts given by the Morse lemma in the smooth category, and use this to define the TOP Morse functions. These are strictly related to topological handlebody decompositions (so do not exist for non-smoothable topological 4-manifolds). In the PL category you can refer to the link of Daniel Moskovich or google "PL Morse function" (but the TOP approach is not likely to work).

Regarding the second part of the question, you can get such classification once you have proved TOP Morse functions exist! However, the techniques to prove in general that TOP Morse functions exist are typically high-dimensional (dim $\geq 6$). So for surfaces it is likely that proving the existence of TOP Morse functions is equivalent to proving existence of triangulations (which depends on the Schoenflies theorem).

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