[Math] Modularity theorem for abelian varieties


There's alredy two posts on MO about the extension of modularity to elliptic curves over fields other than $\mathbb{Q}$ ([1], [2]), and another one about general algebraic varieties [3].

What is known about modularity of abelian varieties over $\mathbb{Q}$? I guess the arbitrary field case is at least as problematic as it is for elliptic curves.

Can be Serre's conjecture (now a theorem) generalized to more general representations $\rho:Gal(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q}) \to GL_n(\bar{\mathbb{F_p}})$? Is there a Ribet-type result that that would imply full modularity?

Best Answer

Abelian varieties over the rationals are modular if and only if they are of "$GL_2$"-type, which is a notion introduced by Ribet who proved that this statement is a consequence of Serre's conjecture which, as you know, has since been proved. Here is a link to Ribet's paper:


Generalizing the statement of Serre's conjecture to higher dimension is non-trivial and the subject of ongoing research (which I am not an expert of). There are some special cases stated and proved. They are not needed to answer your first question.

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