[Math] Modular Forms and Root Systems


In the study of semisimple Lie groups, lattices appear all over the place. In the theory of elliptic functions and modular forms, (equivalence classes of) lattices correspond to elliptic curves and to points on the modular space. I believe furthermore that it's the case that lattices corresponding to elliptic curves with extra automorphisms (equivalently, elements of the upper half plane with nontrivial stabilizer in the modular group in the one-dimensional case) tend to be the ones corresponding to root systems, e.g. $\mathfrak{sl}_3$. I don't know much about higher dimensional modular forms, but I imagine that this generalizes to higher dimensional semisimple Lie algebras. Is there a deeper connection here? Do holomorphic functions invariant under root lattices always have interesting properties? Are both part of a general theory? If this is well-known, where might I find a reference?

EDIT: Also, the Weyl chambers remind me of the fundamental domains, which appear so often in elliptic functions/modular forms.

Best Answer

The lattices corresponding to elliptic curves are not the same as the lattices appearing in Lie theory. In the theory of modular forms, it is the weight $k$ (lying in the lattice $\mathbb Z$) that is a manifestation of Lie theory. (The lattice $\mathbb Z$ is the weight lattice of $SO(2)$.)

Added: Davidac897 asks "Why are you so sure"? Of course, there could be a connection that I am missing; I am just speaking from my own experience with these objects. But in the passage from classical modular forms (say as described in Serre's Course in arithmetic) to the representation-theoretic point of view, a lattice $\Lambda$ in $\mathbb C$ becomes a lattice $\mathbb \Lambda$ in $\mathbb R^2$, which becomes a point of $\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb Z)\backslash \mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb R)$. Thus the lattices corresponding to elliptic curves become points of a quotient $\Gamma\backslash G$ for some real Lie group $G$ and some cofinite volume discrete subgroup $\Gamma$. For more general real Lie groups, one can think of such quotients as being a kind of generalized "moduli of lattices of some rank with some structure". There may be points corresponding to lattices with special symmetry (e.g. the square or triangular lattice in the elliptic curve case), and, yes, you are correct that root systems are lattices with special symmetry.

But this is not the usual way that root systems intervene in the theory of automorphic forms, which is what my answer above was intended to point out.