[Math] Modern mathematical books on general relativity


I am looking for a mathematical precise introductory book on general relativity. Such a reference request has already been posted in the physics stackexchange here. However, I'm not sure whether some physicists know what "mathematical precise" really means, that's why im posting it here. Anyway, Wald's book General Relativity seems to have that mathematical rigorosity (I have seen in a preview that he introduces manifolds in a mathematical way), and also O'Neill's Semi-Riemannian Geometry seems to be mathematically flavoured as far as I have seen from the contents. However, both are more than 30 years old.

So are there any other more recent books out there. As I said, its language should be mathematically rigorous and modern, it should contain physics (not only a text on the math behind general relativity), and an introduction to semi-Riemannian geometry would not be bad (since it is not as common as Riemannian geometry).

Edit: I guess I have found the perfect fit to my question: An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry (With Applications to Mechanics and Relativity) by Godinho and Natario. However, I did not read it yet.

Best Answer

Curvature in Mathematics and Physics (2012), by Shlomo Sternberg, based on an earlier book Semi-Riemann Geometry and General Relativity [free download from the author's website] covers much of the same material as O'Neill but is much more recent.

This original text for courses in differential geometry is geared toward advanced undergraduate and graduate majors in math and physics. Based on an advanced class taught by a world-renowned mathematician for more than fifty years, the treatment introduces semi-Riemannian geometry and its principal physical application, Einstein's theory of general relativity, using the Cartan exterior calculus as a principal tool. Starting with an introduction to the various curvatures associated to a hypersurface embedded in Euclidean space, the text advances to a brief review of the differential and integral calculus on manifolds. A discussion of the fundamental notions of linear connections and their curvatures follows, along with considerations of Levi-Civita's theorem, bi-invariant metrics on a Lie group, Cartan calculations, Gauss's lemma, and variational formulas. Additional topics include the Hopf-Rinow, Myer's, and Frobenius theorems; special and general relativity; connections on principal and associated bundles; the star operator; superconnections; semi-Riemannian submersions; and Petrov types. Prerequisites include linear algebra and advanced calculus, preferably in the language of differential forms.