[Math] Models of ZFC Set Theory – Getting Started


For just any first-order theory: What are the sets I am supposed/allowed to think of when thinking of models as sets (of something + additional structure)?


  1. I can think of models of any theory (other than set theory) as of sets from
    the (ZFC-based) von Neumann universe.

  2. I can think of models of any theory as of sets of terms and formulas.

But what are the sets I am supposed/allowed to think of when thinking of models of (ZFC) set theory itself?

Best Answer

According to Godel's incompleteness theorem, ZFC cannot prove its own consistency. Therefore, it is relatively consistent with ZFC that there are not any set models of ZFC. In this case, there is still a proper class model of ZFC, namely the von Neumann universe, V, itself, among others (i.e. L, forcing extensions of V). However, the fact that V is a model of ZFC cannot be proven formally within ZFC. Indeed, truth in V cannot be defined in V due to a result of Tarski.

If we allow for some stronger axioms, then we can get set models of ZFC. For instance, if there exists an inaccessible cardinal, $\kappa$, then $V_\kappa$ is a set model of ZFC.